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CXL 4-1LW/h 	77 - 88 MHz

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ArticleNo/ P/N: 100000056
Radiotype: Antenna 27-88MHz, Antenna Base Station

CXL 4-1LW/h 77 - 88 MHz

CXL 4-1LW/… is a 0 dBd gain, omnidirectional rod-type base station antenna for the 80 MHz band. The construction of the mount makes it possible to lead the cable either inside or along the outside of the mast tube. he antenna is provided with our sturdy type “LW” mast mount, which is a lightweight, multi-purpose, epoxy-coated mounting bracket made of non-corrosive aluminium. The accompanying U-bolts and fittings are made of stainless steel. The carefully designed, broad-banded antenna element is sealed in a high-quality, conical glass fibre tube with low wind-load, which will ensure performance undisturbed by corrosive environments. To substantially reduce noise caused by atmospherical discharges, all metal parts in the antenna are DC-grounded. Consequently, the antenna shows a DC-short across the coaxial cable.

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